Opportunities to serve the Town of Salem

If Not You, Who?

If Not Now, When?

This phrase dates back nearly 2,000 years and was first spoken by Hillel the Elder; yet still holds true today.

There are many opportunities to serve our Town on elected and appointed Boards and Commissions, Emergency Responders, Historical Society, Lions, PTO, Moms Club and more.

It is not necessary to be a subject matter expert; instead, what is more important is your willingness to step forward to serve your fellow townspeople.

Volunteers often comment that it is very rewarding to share their time and talents to benefit their Town.

So again, we ask “If not you, who?”

 “ If not now, when?”

Please call 860-859-3873 ext 100 for more information on the many opportunities to serve your Town.


Kevin Lyden

First Selectman

Salem, Connecticut

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