Keep your Kids are Safe with Safe@Home & SafeSitter Classes!

Reserve your spot by registering today!

Online Registration Form:
Physical Registration Form:

Registration closes one-week before class date.

Fee may be paid online*, dropped off in in the white dropbox at Town Hall at anytime, or mailed in.
* Credit/Debit Card and online payments are charged an additional non-refundable transaction fee.

Salem Recreation  |  |  860 859 3873, x275

30pm, Salem School MPR, $25 Resident, $30 Non-resident

SafeSitter Babysitting Class, Grades 6-8, Saturday, March 25, 9am-3pm, Salem School MPR, $97 Residents/$102 Non-Residents

Reserve your spot by registering today!

Online Registration Form:
Physical Registration Form:

Registration closes one-week before class date.

Fee may be paid online*, dropped off in in the white dropbox at Town Hall at anytime, or mailed in.
* Credit/Debit Card and online payments are charged an additional non-refundable transaction fee.

Salem Recreation  |  |  860 859 3873, x275