Late Summer 2020 Adult Tennis with Anne Santoro, Session 3

Tuesday & Thursday Clinics, beginning September 8
Late Summer 2020 Adult Tennis with Anne Santoro, Session 3

September 8 - October 6 (5 classes)
Morning Clinic9:30-10:45 a.m.
Evening Clinic5:15-6:30 p.m.

September 10 - October 8 (5 classes)
Morning Clinic9:30-10:45 a.m.

FEE: $95 Resident, $100 Non-resident per clinic

Enjoy the beauty of the season while improving your game and your fitness!  This unique clinic is designed for those with some tennis experience and is taught in a relaxed atmosphere.  Proper movement, stroke production, and strategy are ad-dressed.  Instruction also focuses on developing balance, strength, agility, and flexibility. Each class includes a warm-up, drills, play, and a cool down. 

Required equipment: Tennis racquet, tennis shoes/sneakers, water, towel, tennis/athletic clothing you can easily move in

Limit of 4 students per clinic; additional clinics may be added to accommodate those who wishto participate.

Note that social distancing and other applicable protocols are followed.

Click here to download the Registration Form (fillable PDF) or Register Online